Pregnancy,delivery,complications,mental-disorder,women,Pregnsncy,mental,disorder,Dr Adamu,Babaji,neuropsychiatric,ATBU,Abubaka,Tafawa,Balewa,University,Teaching,Hospital

A Bauchi-based neuropsychiatric, Dr Adamu Babaji has identified pregnancy, complications and prolonged labour during child delivery as leading cause of mental disorder in women.

He stated this in an interview in Bauchi, Bauchi Stateon Monday.

Babaji, who is also the Head of Psychiatric Deparyment. Abubakar Tafawa Balewa Teaching Hospital (ATBU-TH), Bauchi, said that poor attendance of antenatal clinic and other psycho-social factors also resulted to high prevalence rate of the disease.

“We have our clinic days  three times in a week and during this days we always register 15 new clients.

“About 80 women are always on admission, but they were discharged in two weeks. This depression is related to moods either been over sad or over happy.

“Women should be encouraged to attend ante natal clinics, and be supported through out their pregnancy day and after delivery by spouses and families.

“Delayed or prolong labour and malnutrition are cause of psychiatric problems in women which is a post perturm depression,” he said.

On interllectual disability in children between the neo-natal to five years, Babaji said that severe malnutrition could pose challenge to child mental health.

He listed other ailments that could lead to child interllectual disability to include pneumonia, malaria, urinary tract infection and convulsion.

“Whenever the child convulses, it affects the brain thereby developing problem,” Babaji said.

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