img 20240605 wa0000Nigerian Flag

By Perpetua Onuegbu, NAN

Mr Olumuyiwa Olede, Executive Director, Citizens Awareness Against Corruption and Social Vices Initiative (CAACSVI) says the reverted National Anthem will promote, justice and equality among all tribes in the country.

Olede said this during an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Monday in Abuja.

According to him, the 2014 National Confeb as convened by the Federal Government then recommended a reversal to the old national anthem which has now been reverted and signed into law  by President Bola Tinubu.

“We may say the new national anthem is not necessary because of the hunger and starvation in the land  but  I think there is no better time for any law or policy to be implemented than whenever it is implemented.

“The new national anthem is significant, looking at the wordings  I believe Nigeria is as divided today as during   the colonial rule, after independence and even during the war.

“Nigeria is as divided as ever.The new  national  anthem in a line that says though tribe or tongue may differ in brotherhood we stand.

“As far as Nigeria is concerned we are more than 250 ethnic groups  speaking in distinct languages but if we believe in brotherhood, differences in tribes and tongue can be used as a cultural hike for the betterment of our country.

“It states that our flag shall be a symbol that truth and justice reign, does justice reign in Nigeria of today no? So we must begin to tell ourselves why justice and truth must reign in our nation.”

Olede said the new national anthem expressed the desire  of  a country where nobody was oppressed which was not the case in the country’s reality presently.

 “Today we have agitation all over the nation from south east to south west to even the northern part of the country agitating for one thing or the other.

“The new national anthem has come to speak about it that nobody should be oppressed , equality and justice must reign supreme those are the two points that make the new national anthem significant.”

Elaborating on the difference between the two anthems Olede said  the new national anthem was adapted  after independence but the old one was introduced by the military.

“If we are agitating for a new constitution, this 1999 constitution that was giving to us by the military why not the national anthem that was given to us by the military.

“Why not change into the one our leaders like  Sir Amadu Bello, Alhaji Tafawa Balewa, Akintola, Chief Awolowo, Micheal Okpara, Nnamdi Azikiwe and host of them  had input.

The Executive Director of CAACSVI speaking on the impact it would make on the Psyche of Nigerians said the people looking at the wordings would let  justice, brotherhood and equity prevail.

“As a leader you are supposed to look at the wordings of the new national anthem and know that though tongues and tribe may differ justice must prevail because in brotherhood we must stand.

“We are each others brother’s keeper,  from the three major tribes down to other tribes, everyone  must have a stake in governance, in management both in resources and in decision making.

“It will awaken our   leaders conscience to  know their responsibilities and carry everybody along, to know that when you are  elected you are not only to serve  people from your ethnic divide but the whole of Nigeria.

“That you owe the people the responsibility to do that which is good and right and as followers If we fail to support our government, leaders, or policies our aim will be defeated even from the onset.”

Olede therefore urged all Nigerians to support the government stressing that ‘whatever phase we are passing through today , i’m optimistic that we will get out if it.


By Editor

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